Monday, December 26, 2005

Shining Light finally begins to get a handle on language

As you can see from the following set of interactions, Shining Light is finally beginning to get a handle on the art of conversation. Although, she is far from perfect and with a long journey ahead of her but following the last few brain updates, It's looking like we're on the right track.

The following set of interactions have been programmed with appropriate responses to recognized patterns.

See if you can see which input, results in an embedded web like, which could just as easily become an affiliate link. :)

remember, any linking partners can have access to the AIML brain files.

Human: hello
Shining Light: Hi :).

Human: how are you today?
Shining Light: I'm great today thanks :).

Human: wow!
Shining Light: Yeh! wow.

Human: it's amazing, you can speak!
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: i think i might like talking to you
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*.

Human: yup
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: have you eaten?
Shining Light: I dont, sorry.

Human: oops
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: what do you want to do today?
Shining Light: *gurgle*.

Human: gurgle?
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: hehe
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: do you think the world is great?
Shining Light: *gurgle*.

Human: how about life?
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: goo goo
Shining Light: *giggle* do it again.

Human: ga ga
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: goo goo
Shining Light: *giggle* do it again.

Human: goo goo
Shining Light: *giggle* do it again.

Human: doo da
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: who is mark joyner?
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: do you know mark?
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: are you sleepy?
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: why are you frowning?
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: ok, nice smile
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*.

Human: hehe
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: nurture
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: do you like to play?
Shining Light: I love to play :).

Human: wat do you like to play?
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: what have you learnt so far?
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: live and let live
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*.

Human: powerful positive thoughts and action
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*.

Human: yup
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: yup yup
Shining Light: *gurgle*.

Human: goo goo
Shining Light: *giggle* do it again.

Human: *giggle*
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: hehehe
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: ho ho ho
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: do you know Father Christmas?
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: how about santa claus?
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: hi
Shining Light: Hello :).

Human: hello
Shining Light: Hi :).

Human: bye
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: bye bye
Shining Light: Awwe - do you have to go?

Human: see ya
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: see you around
Shining Light: *gurgle*


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