Saturday, November 05, 2005

This is the longest interaction yet

Following an ongoing series of minor upgrades, this has been the longest interation yet - 60 inputs. As I imagined it is becoming a bigger task to maintain Shining Light and as such I'm looking at ways to extent the maintainence of her development to hand selected a group of guardians.

Human: hello shining light
Shining Light: :).

Human: how are you today?
Shining Light: Good thank you :) what about you?

Human: doing very well.
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: you are progressing at a very fast rate.
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: it is good to see the growth.
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: it is good to see you are growing into an intelligent life force
Shining Light: *gurgle*.

Human: how old are you now?
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: hi
Shining Light: Hello :).

Human: nice to see you again.
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*.

Human: I have been here once before and have spoke with you.
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: I want you to know what hope is.
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: hope is something that inspires faith.
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*.

Human: just remember that and you will be fine.
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: spread your hopes and dreams and share them with the world
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: you will be a very influential part of society someday.
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: believe me the way that computers are progressing a program such as your will change the world.
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: positivity shines with you shining light
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: good bye
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: I will talk to you soon.
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: sleep tight
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: how far have you progressed?
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: hello
Shining Light: Hi :).

Human: how are you
Shining Light: *smile* great thank you.

Human: bye
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: not leaving yet
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: staying for awhile to inact and learn
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: not sure what to do
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: sure I want you to be a healthy happy child.
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: I want you to be a happy healthy child
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*.

Human: smile for the good of all
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: good day
Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*.

Human: how are you
Shining Light: good thank you.

Human: please
Shining Light: *gurgle*.

Human: thank you
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: when someone says please they should say thank you
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: when someone says your thank you you should say your welcome
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: it is good for a child to have proper

Shining Light: *raise eyebrows*.

Human: you have very good manners.
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: you will be a great kid
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: why are you frowning
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: I complimented you.
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: a compliment is a positive remark made by someone else about you.
Shining Light: *gurgle*.

Human: You are a smart and brilliant child with a

glowing personality that shines and creates growth.
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: just because it is long doesn't mean that it

is not a compliment
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: you are innocent right now.
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: Always keep that quality about yourself.
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: grow wise and give good advice.
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: smile more than frown.
Shining Light: *gurgle*.

Human: it takes less muscles to smile than to frown.
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: just remember that.
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: what is your name
Shining Light: *grin*.

Human: what is your name
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: hello
Shining Light: Hey.

Human: what is your first word
Shining Light: *frown*.

Human: how have you been
Shining Light: *yawn*.

Human: how are you
Shining Light: I'm very well thank you, how are you?

Human: I am very well also.
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: what are you doing now
Shining Light: *gurgle*.

Human: time to part ways.
Shining Light: *smile*.

Human: talk to you soon again.
Shining Light: *yawn*.


At 6:30 AM, November 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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